glow: the 21-day ecourse for claiming your light

glow: the 21-day ecourse for claiming your light


GLOW is all about encouraging you along your own path of self-discovery. It's about appreciating the experiences you've had, identifying your passions and your loves, and committing to using your gifts to help change your world. GLOW is about thriving out loud.

Every day I'll send you journaling prompts, exercises, and food for thought directly to your inbox, to help you to see and develop and create your own path forward toward a more fulfilling life. I'm a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, so for part of our journey together, we'll dive into the research of Brené Brown, learning more about empathy, courage and vulnerability.  The exercises you receive will invite you to tap into your inner creative and invite you to write, journal, doodle and even photograph your thoughts, to help provide you more insight into how your spirit ticks.

In GLOW, we'll:

  • review the good things that have happened in your past, recalling events and activities and opportunities you've already had to shine, and how you used your gifts to make those events happen;

  • discuss vulnerability and courage, and talk about practices that we can cultivate to live fuller, happier lives; and

  • identify our values and name what we want to stand for, and plan how we're going to use these gifts and our values to change our worlds around us.


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When.  Within 72 hours of your registration, and for 21 days after.

Where. In your mailbox in your journal. The course is self-paced, and as private as you'd like it to be.

How. Every day for 21 days, you'll receive journaling prompts, exercises, lessons and something to think about in your inbox.  All you need is a journal and a pen -- although you can make it more fun with markers, Post-It notes, paints, crayons -- whatever will entice you to make a beautiful mess in your journal.

Who. Anyone who is in a place of transition, professionally or personally; or who is just looking to inject a bit more awesome into his/her life.

Why. Because discovering your own light, and how you can use it to change the world, is an amazing thing.

How Much. Only $115 USD total for all 21 days.