settling back in

For the first time in months, I'm back at home with several weeks ahead of me where I don't have to travel.  It's just lovely. I've been walking around my house in a daze, thinking things like, "Hey, I remember that spatula! I love that spatula!"  Or "Aw, laundry. Remember laundry?"

It's also been great being back in front of my desk, but it hasn't been lost on me that even though I should be moving into my normal routine, I'm returning at a time that I've always considered to be a major transition.  I mean, Alex's summer camp program is already over, and she's home with me until school starts at the beginning of next month -- fall is just around the corner, people.  And this time of year always makes me particularly restless:  unlike the end of the calendar year, right before the beginning of a fall semester I always find myself itching to make a change, itching to do something new.

Old habits die hard, I guess.

Anyway, while I certainly wish that I could just enjoy the last few weeks of summer, the truth is, I'm antsy.  And I suspect taking Alex back-to-school shopping in the next couple of weeks isn't going to help matters.

Man, I love this time of year.


Image:  Photographed with my Nikon D300, 60mm micro lens, aperture 3.2, shutter speed 1/100, ISO 400.


Song: As, by Stevie Wonder Every once in a while, this song suddenly shows up in my life, and it always makes me smile.

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