bonus shot: after the sleepover

Image:  Photographed with Nikon D300 and 50mm lens.


Song:  So, inspired by the very sweet Pam Mandel of Nerd's Eye View and this very cool NPR segment, I asked my husband to buy me a ukulele for my birthday.

When I did, his expression was pretty close to the one that's probably on your face right now.

But he eventually agreed.  And so last week, on my 43rd birthday, Marcus presented me with a ukulele.

The video below is my very first song.  A warning:  despite having taken piano for many years, guitar lessons for about 2 months when I was 12, and singing in a choir when I was in college, I am nowhere near proficient on this thing.  It's only been 7 days, after all.   You click on this video at your own risk.

And so, without further ado, me, performing "You've Got A Friend in Me."  With deep, heartfelt apologies to Randy Newman.

P.S.  Very special thanks (or blame) to Pam for helping Marcus pick out the ukulele.  I love it.

P.P.S.  I have taken to calling this instrument my "chookoolele."  For obvious reasons.

P.P.P.S.  This is all in furtherance of number 103 of my life list.