photovent 2010, day 14: silence (and love thursday: new friends)

 "Silence is a source of great strength."

~Lao Tzu

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Time for a Chookooloonks life list update, yes?  Happily, I have one -- additions to my 1000 faces project!

See, over Thanksgiving (which has to have been months ago, yes?), I met two amazing people:  the beautiful Darrah Parker:

and her lovely husband Jason:

(side note:  it's Jason's birthday today.  Happy Birthday, Jason!)

I can't say enough about these two. I met them because when I put out the call for places where I should travel for book signings, Darrah immediately emailed me with an awesome suggestion for an event in Seattle.  I was so excited, I immediately wrote back.  As it happened, Darrah and Jason were headed to Houston for the Thanksgiving holiday, so we met at my favourite coffeehouse and hammered out some details.  And honey, it's on.

A few days later, Darrah and Jason came over to our house for lunch.  They're so awesome, and I can't wait to see them again in Seattle next month.

And the best part? If you're going to be in Seattle in late January, you'll get to meet them too.  But I can't say much about it yet -- still some final details to make happen.  But soon.  I promise, soon.

In the meantime, I leave you with this awesome photo of Jason & Darrah -- because their relationship is just awesome to see.

Aren't they adorable?

Happy Love Thursday everyone.  (And if you're in San Antonio, don't forget to come out and see me tonight at 6!)

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The image at the top of this post is the 14th image of Photovent 2010You can download the pdf for it here.  And click here to learn how to use it to assemble a beautifully different photo garland.

SongYou and me, by the Jason Parker Quartet.  And by the way, this song of the day is a clue about what's to come in January.  I'm so excited.

Karen Walrond10 Comments